
Greetings from London!

I've arrived, safe and sound in London, and I'm having a wonderful time. It's only my second full day here, and I feel like I've seen walked the length of the city eight times already. Of course, I've only actually seen a small part, but I can't convince my feet to believe that right now. Yesterday, we went to the Tower of London, took a boat to Greenwich, and in the evening, I went to the National Gallery with Kirk and Katie, although I left earlier to give myself some extra time, since art museums are one of my favourite things to see when I'm in a new city. Today, we went to Westminster Abbey and took a tour of the Haymarket Royal Theatre. We also took photos in front of Big Ben, from the South Bank of the Thames, and also at Buckingham Palace. Tonight, we'll hit the British Museum. It's all so overwhelming!

I loved Greenwich! It's a wonderful little town with shops and restaurants and it's touristy, but not as obnoxiously catered to Americans as many parts of London seem to be. Westminster Abbey was incredible, too. It was one of the places I was most looking forward to seeing and it definitely did not disappoint. I need to head back to the hotel so I don't miss the trek to the British Museum, but I wanted to check in, since I know people are reading. I can't wait until I have time to write about everything!

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